Issue 35

O. Demir et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 330-339; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.38 339 were also presented. The results showed that the new specimen can be used as a practical test configuration for mixed mode-I/II fracture investigations. In Part 2 of this study, fracture experiments of the finite element models of CTS and T- specimen are conducted to check the validity of some of the existing criteria for mixed mode-I/II fracture conditions and to develop a further refined mode-I/II fracture criterion. A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS he financial support by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) for this study under project no 113M407 and the ability of usage of axial fatigue machine at Bursa Technical University for the experiments are gratefully acknowledged. R EFERENCES [1] Erdogan, F., Sih, G.C., On the Crack Extension in Plane Loading and Transverse Shear, J. Basic Eng., 85 (1963) 519– 527. [2] Sih, G.C., Macdonald, B., Fracture Mechanics Applied to Engineering Problems-Strain Energy Density Fracture Criterion, Eng. Fract. Mech., 6 (1974) 361–386. [3] Nuismer, R.J., An energy release rate criterion for mixed mode fracture, Int. J. Fatigue, 11 (1975) 245-250. [4] Hussain, M.A., Pu, S.U., Underwood, J., Strain energy release rate for a crack under combined mode I and II, ASTM STP, 560 (1974) 2–28. [5] Chang, K.J., On the maximum strain criterion—A new approach to the angled crack problem, Eng. Fract. Mech., 14 (1981) 107–124. [6] Koo, J.M., Choy, Y.S., A new mixed mode fracture criterion: maximum tangential strain energy density criterion, Eng. Fract. Mech., 39 (1991) 443–449. [7] Pook, L.P., The significance of mode I branch cracks for mixed mode fatigue crack growth threshold behaviour. In: Brown, M.W., Miller, K.J., (eds), Biaxial and multiaxial fatigue, Mech. Engng. Publ., London, (1989) 247–263. [8] Tanaka, K., Fatigue crack propagation from a crack inclined to the cyclic tensile axis, Engng. Fract. Mech., 6 (1974) 493–507. [9] Ayatollahi, M.R., Aliha, M.R.M., Analysis of a new specimen for mixed mode fracture tests on brittle materials, Eng. Fract. Mech., 76 (2009) 1563–1573. [10] Arcan, M., Hashin, Z., Voloshin, A., A method to produce uniform plane stress states with applications to fiber reinforced materials, Exp. Mech., 18 (1978) 141-6. [11] Richard, H.A., Benitz, K., A loading device for the creation of mixed mode in fracture mechanics, Int. J. Fracture, 22 (1983) R55-R58. [12] Richard, H.A., Theoretical crack path determination, Int. Conf. on Fatigue Crack Paths, Parma (Italy), (FCP 2003), conference chairmen: A. Carpinteri, L.P. Pook. [13] Richard, H., Fracture mechanical predictions for cracks with superimposed normal and shear loading, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag; (1985) [in German]. [14] Richard, H.A., In: Structural failure, product liability and technical insurance, Rossmanith (Ed.), Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., Genf., (1987). [15] ANSYS, Theory Manual Version 9.0. Ansys Inc., Canonsburg, PA, USA. (2004). [16] Ayhan, A.O., Nied, H.F., Stress intensity factors for three-dimensional surface cracks using enriched elements, Int. J. Numer. Method Engng., 54 (2002) 899–921. [17] Ayhan, A.O., Nied, H.F., FRAC3D––Finite element based software for 3-D and generalized plane strain fracture analysis, SRC Tech. Report, (1998). [18] Demir, O., Dündar, H., İriç, S., Ayhan, A.O., Three-Dimensional Fracture Analyses of Compact Tension Shear Specimen Under In-Plane Mixed Mode Loading, UKK 10th Int. Fracture Conf., 24-26 April, Kayseri, Turkey, (2014). [19] ASTM International, E399 − 12, Standard Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness KIc of Metallic Materials, (2013). T