Issue 35

O. Demir et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 330-339; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.38 335 Figure 8 : Stress distributions of mixed mode-I/II clevises, pins, bushes and specimen under 10 kN load value and 45° loading angle. (a) (b) Figure 9 : (a) Variation of SIF values obtained along the crack front, (b) Original crack surface before applying the load and upper and lower crack surfaces after applying the load - 10 kN load value and 45° loading angle. 25 mm-thick CTS specimens are used in numerical fracture analyses for all loading angles. However, in experimental analyses, 10 mm-thick specimens are used because of the high load requirements for 25 mm thickness. Therefore, numerical analysis results for 25 mm thick are scaled to represent 10 mm thickness. To prove the scaling procedure, SIF values along the crack front of 25 mm-thick and 10 mm-thick CTS specimens are given in Fig. 10. It can be seen from Fig. 10 that mode-I and mode-II SIFs linearly change with specimen thickness. (a) (b) Figure 10 : Variation of SIF values along the crack front of CTS specimens, (a) 25 mm thickness, (b) 10 mm thickness. In Fig. 11, variations of KI, KII and KIII SIF values along crack front for all loading angles are given. It is seen that, as expected, KII and KIII increase with increasing loading angle while KI decreases. KII and KIII are equal to zero for 0° and KI is equal to zero for 90° loading angle.