Issue 35

N. Oudni et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 278-284; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.32 284 Figure 7 : Damage evolution in Gauss points. C ONCLUSION e have taken the example of a concrete gravity dam subjected to seismic excitation in the form of accelerograms. The results are, first the response of gravity dam subjected to seismic loading as displacements history, secondly the history of the evolution of integration points damage at the cracked or damaged zone. The dynamic equilibrium equation is solved, an integration algorithm by the method of central differences for nonlinear systems, we have used a very small time step (0.0001 s). The choice of weight Koyna dam in India is the fact that many studies have been conducted on this structure to a known destructive earthquake in 1967. The records of the earthquake accelerograms as with horizontal and vertical components were used as dynamic loads. R EFERENCES [1] Calayir, Y., Karaton, M., A continuum damage concrete model for earthquake analysis of concrete gravity dam– reservoir systems, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake engineering, 25 (2005) 857-869. [2] Jianwen, P., Chuhann, Z., Xuyanjie, Feng, J., A comparative study of the different procedures for seismic cracking analysis of concrete dams, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake engineering, 31 (2011) 1594-1606. [3] Calayir, Y., Karaton, M., A continuum damage concrete model for earthquake analysis of concrete gravity dam– reservoir systems. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 25 (2005) 857–869. [4] Omidi, O., Valliappan, S., Lotfi, V., Seismic cracking of concrete gravity dams by plastic–damage model using different damping mechanisms. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 63 (2013) 80–97. [5] Mazars, J., Application de la mécanique de l’endommagement au comportement non linéaire et à la rupture du béton de structure, Doctoral thesis, University of Paris 6, France (1984). [6] Mazars, J., Pijaudier-Cabot, G., Continuum damage theory- application to concrete, J. Engrg. Mech. ASCE, 115 (1989) 345-365. [7] Owen, D.R.J., Hinton, E., Finite element in plasticity, Theory and Practice. Ed. Pineridge Press Limited, (1986). [8] ABAQUS 6.10. Example problems manual; volume I: Static and Dynamic Analyses. W