Issue 35

S. Lesz et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 206-212; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.24 209 Investigations of fractures of the Fe 36 Co 36 B 19 Si 5 Nb 4 alloy rods with  = 3.0 mm in diameter showed similar morphology, as shown in Figs. 4a-f. Rare small cracks in the rods with  = 3 mm can be seen, like in the rods of  = 2mm. Figure 2 : Compressive stress-strain curves of the Fe 36 Co 36 B 19 Si 5 Nb 4 BMGs rods with diameters of  =2,3 and 4 mm. Figure 3 : SEM images of the fracture morphology of Fe 36 Co 36 B 19 Si 5 Nb 4 alloy rod with diameter of  =2 mm after compressive fracture; a – main view: smooth and vein pattern regions, b – image of fracture outside surface, vein patterns, many cracks c – image of fracture of near the core of rod, smooth and vein pattern regions, clear crack, d – image of (c) at higher magnification. White arrow indicates the crack (c,d).