Issue 35

J. Kramberger et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 142-151; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.17 149 around the pores and cracks further propagate between pores in which stress highly concentrates. The computational results show a qualitative understanding of pores topology influence on low-cycle fatigue under transversal tension loading conditions in relation to pore orientation. The results obtained with this study are generally close to those obtained with an experimental approach by other authors [7]. The extension of the approach to more interesting compressive loading conditions of porous material and more complex models will be subject of further research. Figure 9 : Scalar stiffness degradation (SDEG) (cyclic response after 100 cycles) for: a) aligned, b) 45° rotated, c) shifted and d) irregular pore topology. Figure 10 : Damage evolution in model with regular aligned pore structure. ( 100 cycles ) ( 200 cycles) ( 300 cycles) ( 350 cycles) a) b) c) d)