Issue 35
P. Bernardi et al, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 98-107; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.12 101 2 2 1 2 ' ' c c c fin c f (4) where f c is the uniaxial compressive strength of concrete. By following this procedure, the value of is properly reduced when tensile stresses occur; thus, < 1 always holds in this case. -1.4 -1 -0.6 -0.2 0.2 -1.4 -1 -0.6 -0.2 0.2 2c /| f c | 1c / | f c | 1c 2c Tension-tension 1 max 1 max 2 max 1 ct f Tension-compression k k f ct 73.0 6.0 max 2 max 1 max 2 c ct f f k k 73.0 lim Compression-tension 0 73.0 56.66 9 9 8.12 max 2 max 1 2 2 max 2 k k k k k f c Compression-compression 1 0 1 65.3 1 max 2 max 1 2 max 2 c f c 2 c c 2 1 Figure 1 : Adopted failure envelope [16]. After having determined the nonlinearity index, concrete secant elastic modulus E c can be then calculated as: 2 2 ' ' ' 1 1 2 2 2 2 ci ci ci ci c cf cf cf E E E E E E E E D (5) where E ci is the initial value of concrete Young modulus, D is a compressive post-peak nonlinearity parameter that determines the degree of strain softening when concrete crushing occurs (see [14, 16] for details), and E' cf is the secant modulus corresponding to peak stress. When a tensile stress is present, E' cf is simply evaluated as in case of uniaxial compression, i.e. E' cf = E cf = f c / c0 , while for biaxial compression the following relation is adopted: ' 1 4 1 cf cf E E A x , (6) A being the ratio between the initial value of concrete Young modulus and the secant one corresponding to peak stress ( E ci / E cf ), while the term x takes into account the dependence on the actual loading and is evaluated through the relation: 2 1 3 c f J x f . (7) The first addend of Eq. 7 represents the failure value of the invariant 2 c J f . Based on the definition of the nonlinearity index (Eq.3), the following expression can be found: 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 c fin c fin J . (8)
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