
C. Baron Saiz et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 34 (2015) 608-621; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.34.67 610 Item Value Vehicle mass, m (Kg) 1445 Initial velocity, V i (m/s) 44.444 Deceleration, a (m/s 2 ) 5.886 Single braking elapsed time, ∆t (s) 7.551 Recovery elapsed time, ∆t r (s) 32 Tyre rolling circumference, Co (m) 1.851 Coefficient of adhesion between tyres and road surfaces, f ad 0.85 Coefficient of friction between pad and disc surfaces, f f 0.43 Vehicle inertia coefficient, k 1.1 Table 1 : Fading test input data. Property Value Density, ρ (Kg/m 3 ) 7200 Thermal expansion coefficient, α (10 -5 /°C) 967 Elastic modulus, E (GPa) 73 - 40 Poisson's ratio, υ 0.27 Thermal conductivity, λ (W/m °C) 59.7 – 36.4 Specific heat capacity, C (J/Kg °C) 469 - 945 Table 2 : Main properties of the analysed discs material Figure 2 : Specific heat capacity vs temperature. Before the numerical analyses, the original geometries of the discs have been suitably modified and scaled in order to compare successively, in the most consistent way, the results obtained for the different rotors. For this purpose, the main dimensions (diameters and thicknesses) and the number of vanes have been standardized for all the configurations. In particular, equal values of the: - external and internal diameters of the annular braking surface, - hub diameter, - front and rear disc thickness, - vanes thickness, - pad surface, S pad , have been imposed. As regard the pad surface, S pad , it has been assumed equal to 1/8 of the annular braking surface of the disc (fig.6).