
R. Citarella et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 34 (2015) 554-563; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.34.61 563 carry out four additional simulations, corresponding to the four combinations of noise levels defined in the numerical plan. The performance parameters corresponding to the optimal configuration will come out from an average of the results obtained from the four simulations. The confirmation experiment provided a positive assessment. C ONCLUSIONS he adopted values of the control factors are varying in a small range since this analysis is part of a refinement that starts from a prior knowledge of the phenomenon and allows an a priori restriction of the domain in which to search for the optimum. This also explains the use of only two levels for the control and noise factors. The DoE approach allows to analyse a limited number of design configurations of the coupling without penalising the information content available from e.g. an extensive plan of numerical simulations, provided that there are no interactions (as in this case) between the control factors that would invalidate the applicability of the superposition principle. B IBLIOGRAPHY [1] Orlov, P., Fundamentals of Machine Design, MIR Publishers Moscow, 4 (1989) 69-73. [2] Mechnik, R.P., Beitrag zur Festigkeitsberechnung von Polygon-Welle-Nabe-Verbindungen unter reiner Torsion, Konstruktion, 43 (1991). [3] Strozzi, A., Baldini, A., Giacopini, M., Bertocchi, E., Bertocchi, L., Achievement of a uniform contact pressure in a shaft-hub press-fit, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 227(3) (2013) 405-419. [4] Caputo, F., Giudice, G., Profili Poligonali per Trasmissione di Coppie: Analisi delle Tensioni e Verifica Sperimentale, In: Proceedings of the XII AIAS Conference, Sorrento, Italy, (1984). [5] Citarella, R., Gerbino, S., BE analysis of shaft-hub couplings with polygonal profiles, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 109 (2001) 30-37. [6] Kollmann, F.G., Chr. Göttlicher, Entwicklung einer verbesserten Festigkeitsberechnung für P3G-Polygon-Welle- Nabe-Verbindungen beikombinierter Biege- und Torsionsbanspruchung, Zwischenber, DFG-Forsch. vorhaben Ko 634/34-1, TH-Darmastadt, (1992). [7] Beitz, W., Reinholz, R., Tragfähigkeit von P3G-Welle-Nabe-Verbindungen, Konstr., 46 (1994). [8] Filemon, E., Production and Analysis of Polygon Profiles, Periodica Polytechnica M III/1, Budapest, (1959). [9] Taguchi, G., On Robust Technology Development, ASME Press, 1993 [10] Phadke, M. S. Quality Engineering Using Robust Design, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA, (1989). [11] Park, S. H., Robust Design and Analysis for Quality Engineering, Chapman & Hall, 2-6 Boundary Row, London, (1996). [12] BEASY V10r14, documentation, C.M. BEASY Ltd, (2011). [13] Adey, R.A., Niku, S.M., Boundary element stress analysis involving contact using BEASY, In: Proc. Boundary Element Conference, Southampton, UK, (1999). [14] Man, K.W., Aliabadi, M.H., Rooke, D.P., Analysis of Contact Friction using the Boundary Element Method, in Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics, M.H. Aliabadi and C.A. Brebbia, Eds, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, Elsevier Applied Science, London, (1993) 1-60. T