
A. Riemer et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 34 (2015) 437-446; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.34.49 439 Engineering). The layer thickness within the manufacturing process was 30 µm. In order to avoid contamination of powder with oxygen and nitrogen, the build chamber was filled with argon. The particle size, particle shape and particle size distribution are illustrated in Fig. 2. Here the average particle size is about 40 µm. Figure 2 : Metallic powder for SLM process. Scanning electron microscope images of titanium alloy powder particles a) and stainless steel powder particles b) . The average particle sizes as well as the particle size distribution are depicted in c) . Employing metallic powder shown in Fig. 2 specimens with perpendicular ( CD BD ), Fig. 3a, as well as parallel ( CD BD ), Fig. 3b, crack orientation with respect to the build direction were manufactured in order to draw conclusions about the level of anisotropy. Fig. 3c shows raw parts used for manufacturing the CT specimens by contour machining in both considered variants of orientation. Figure 3 : Orientation of build and initial crack direction. Depending on the machining of samples from the plates shown in c) specimens with crack plane normal a) and parallel b) to the build direction were processed. C HARACTERISATION AND OPTIMISATION OF FRACTURE - MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE he major intention of present work is to show that employing SLM for part production material properties in range of conventionally processed materials are available. In order to meet this goal, studies on compact tension specimens processed of titanium alloy Ti-6-4 and stainless steel 316L were performed. Furthermore, the effect of T