Issue 32

N. Bisht et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 32 (2015) 1-12; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.32.01 2 restrictions. In these cases numerical approaches are usually employed. In the numerical approaches proposed so far finite element method provides a very simple, effective and accurate technique for evaluation of fracture parameters. The historical development of computational fracture mechanics is found in the works of Ingraffea et al. [20] and Sinclair [21]. Sinclair presented an extensive review of numerical prediction models to determine stress intensity factors. The advantages and disadvantages of using finite element in computational fracture mechanics have been well addressed by Ingraffea [22]. The aspect of mesh refinement and associated error in computing stress intensity factors using finite element method has also been studied by Miranda et al. [23]. It has been reported that excessive mesh refinement may significantly degrade the calculation accuracy in crack problems. They also pointed out that the ratio between the longest and shortest element edge lengths should be kept below 1600 to avoid calculation errors in SIF calculations. For meshes with length ratios higher than 1600, improved numerical methods to deal with ill conditioned matrices would be necessary to not compromise the calculation accuracy of the calculated SIF. Many works on mesh generation algorithms and new methods to improve the numerical computation of SIF values have been found in the works of Miranda et al. [24, 25]. Recent studies have also shown that the coefficients of higher order terms can also play an important role in the fracture process in notched or cracked structures. It has been observed that in addition to the singular term, the higher order terms, in particular, the first non-singular stress term ( known as the T stress) may also have significant effects on the near notch tip stress field. The T-stress is considered in some studies as an auxiliary parameter for increasing the accuracy of the results for K I . Kim et al. [26], for instance, showed that this non-singular term has noticeable effects on the size and shape of plastic zone near the notch tip. It has been demonstrated that the first non-singular term may have considerable contributions to the stress components around the notch tip and also on the fracture resistance of notched components under mode I loading [27-29]. F INITE ELEMENT MODELLING he numerical simulations were run by means of the finite element (FE) software ANSYS to determine the stress intensity factors of two edge cracks on the same side of the specimen. The specimen is schematized by a 2D model. The specimen thickness in FE analysis was kept 1.0 mm. The other dimensions are length L= 200 mm, width W= 80 mm and the model was studied in plane strain condition, the specimen geometry and detailed dimensions are shown in Fig 1(a). The simulations have been run on full model. The stresses are applied at the two extremes of the specimen in the direction perpendicular to the crack plane (Fig. 1(b)). Figure 1(a) : Specimen Geometry. Figure 1(b) : Specimen with boundary conditions. Isoparametric quadrilateral element (PLANE 82) having 8 nodes with singularity elements at and around the crack tip has been used throughout the analysis and is shown in Fig. 2. The singularity phenomenon at the vicinity of the crack tips has been addressed by applying triangular element option of the PLANE 82 element. The radius of second row of elements is taken as a /8, where a is the half crack length and the radius ratio (second row/first row) is adjusted T