Issue 32

I. Telichev, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 32 (2015) 24-34; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.32.03 25 module 5). In the event that a pressure wall is predicted to “unzip”, the survivability improvements can be achieved by adding more effective shielding or/and by varying the design parameters of the pressurized module. New protection measures will be evaluated by repeating the steps in the above design procedure until the “no rupture” conditions will be verified. The analysis of interaction of penetrative particles with equipment inside a spacecraft is out of scope of the current paper. Figure 1 : Design procedure of spacecraft with enhanced survivability. Orbital Debris data (untrackable) Pressure wall damage? Fracture analysis Pressure wall rupture? (“unzipping”) Varying the design parameters of pressurized module Varying the characteristics of shield Spacecraft survived, mission continues Yes No Spacecraft survived, mission continues Yes Yes No No Pressurized module + shield system Actions to enhance the survivability? Yes No Destruction of critical internal components? 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 7 8 10 13 End of analysis Disfunctional trackable spacecraft, mitigation requirement is satisfied 14 11 Seal/repair of damaged pressure wall 12 End of analysis 14