Issue 31
J.A.F.O. Correia et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 31 (2015) 80-96; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.31.07 91 The residual stress distributions are illustrated in Fig. 13, for distinct crack sizes and stress R -ratios, for the CT specimens made of S355 steel and assuming ρ* =5.5×10 -5 m. These residual stresses were computed using both analytical and numerical solutions. ‐5.0E+08 ‐4.0E+08 ‐3.0E+08 ‐2.0E+08 ‐1.0E+08 0.0E+00 1.0E+08 2.0E+08 0.0E+00 5.0E‐04 1.0E‐03 1.5E‐03 2.0E‐03 2.5E‐03 3.0E‐03 Distance from the crack tip [m] residual [Pa] FEM (a=10mm) NEUBER (a=10mm) FEM (a=15mm) NEUBER (a=15mm) FEM (a=20mm) NEUBER (a=20mm) R=0.0 ‐5.0E+08 ‐4.0E+08 ‐3.0E+08 ‐2.0E+08 ‐1.0E+08 0.0E+00 1.0E+08 2.0E+08 0.0E+00 5.0E‐04 1.0E‐03 1.5E‐03 2.0E‐03 2.5E‐03 3.0E‐03 Distance from the crack tip [m] residual [Pa] FEM (a=10mm) NEUBER (a=10mm) FEM (a=15mm) NEUBER (a=15mm) FEM (a=20mm) NEUBER (a=20mm) R=0.25 a) R σ =0.0 ( F max =5443.5N, ρ* =55µm). b) R σ =0.25 ( F max =7185.5N, ρ* =55µm). ‐5.0E+08 ‐4.0E+08 ‐3.0E+08 ‐2.0E+08 ‐1.0E+08 0.0E+00 1.0E+08 2.0E+08 3.0E+08 0.0E+00 1.0E‐03 2.0E‐03 3.0E‐03 4.0E‐03 5.0E‐03 6.0E‐03 Distance from the crack tip [m] residual [Pa] FEM (a=10mm) NEUBER (a=10mm) FEM (a=15mm) NEUBER (a=15mm) FEM (a=20mm) NEUBER (a=20mm) R=0.5 c) R σ =0.5 ( F max =10778.2N, ρ* =55µm). Figure 13: Residual stress distribution ahead of the crack tip along the crack plane line (y=0) for CT specimens made of S355 steel: comparison between analytical and numerical results. Distinct stress ratios and crack sizes considered. a) Stress field, in MPa, at the end of the 1 st loading reversal. b) Stress field, in MPa, at the end of the 1 st unloading reversal. c) Strain field at the end of the 1 st loading reversal. d) Strain field at the end of the 1 st unloading reversal. Figure 14: Stress and strain fields, along the load direction, obtained for the CT specimens made of S355 steel, resulting from elastoplastic finite element analysis ( ρ* =55µm, a =15mm, R σ =0.0, F max =5443.5N).
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