Issue 30

L. Náhlík et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 55-61; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.08 57    1 2 2 2 1 p IC IC d H K p q     (4) where q is a known function and other quantities are defined above. An advantage of used criteria is that for their application it is necessary only knowledge of fracture toughness of the material and its elastic constants. No other experimental measurements are necessary. From the practical point of view the value of critical tensile applied stress can be defined as follows: , IC appl crit appl C H H    (5) where appl  is a remote applied stress on the body with V-notch (value H I corresponds to this load) , appl crit  is critical value of remote applied tensile stress when the crack starts to propagate from V-notch tip. N UMERICAL CALCULATIONS n the following the behaviour of double edge notch specimen loaded by tension is studied, see Fig. 1. Stability criteria (3) and (4) were applied after numerical calculations. Values of the critical applied stress appl,crit σ necessary for the estimation of V-notch behaviour were determined. The geometry of the specimen, loading and material characteristics were considered according to reference [29]. Dimensions of the specimens were:  length 192  L mm   width 2 109   w mm   notch depth 27  a mm   thickness 4  t mm   V-notch opening angle 0 70     (varies with step of 10°). The specimens were made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). The material was considered as linear-elastic and isotropic with following material properties:  Young´s modulus 2.3GPa E   Poisson´s ratio 0.36    Fracture toughness 1.9MPa m IC K   Tensile strength of the material 70MPa c   . Finite element system Ansys was used for the modelling. The eighth of the specimen was modelled due to the symmetry in geometry and loading conditions. Considerable mesh refinement around the V-notch tip was used to obtain accurate stress distribution around of the V-notch tip. Figure 1 : Double edge notch specimen under tensile loading. I