Issue 30

P. Corigliano et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 304-310; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.37 310 A KNOWLEDGMENTS he authors are grateful to the Institute of Materials Research, Materials Mechanics, Solid-State Joining Processes at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht in Germany for the technical support and the efficient cooperation during the hardness measurements. R EFERENCES [1] Fricke, W., Recent Developments and Future Challenges in Fatigue Strength Assessment of Welded Joints, accepted for publication in the Special Issue, Fatigue Design and Analysis in Transportation Engineering, P I Mech. Eng. C – J. Mec, (2015). [2] Radaj, D., Sonsino, C.M., Fricke, W., Fatigue Assessment of Welded Joints by Local Approaches. Cambridge: Woodhead Publ Series in Welding and Other Joining Technologies, 59 (2006). [3] ASM Metals Handbook, Welding, Brazing and Soldering, ASM International, 6 (1993). [4] Crupi, V., Guglielmino, E., Risitano, A., Taylor, D., Different methods for fatigue assessment of T welded joints used in ship structures, J. Ship Res, 51 (2) (2007) 150-159. [5] Crupi, V, Chiofalo, G., Guglielmino, E., Using Infrared Thermography in Low-Cycle Fatigue Studies of Welded Joints. Weld J, 89(9) (2010) 195 – 200. [6] Susmel, L., Multiaxial Notch Fatigue: from nominal to local stress-strain quantities. Woodhead & CRC, Cambridge, UK, (2009). [7] Susmel, L., Nominal stresses and Modified Wöhler Curve Method to perform the fatigue assessment of uniaxially loaded inclined welds, accepted for the publication on the Special Issue, Fatigue Design and Analysis in Transportation Engineering, P I Mech. Eng. C – J. Mec, (2015). [8] Atzori, B., Lazzarin, P., Meneghetti, G., Ricotta, M., Fatigue design of complex welded structures, Int J Fatigue, 31 (2009) 59–69. [9] Lopez, Z., Fatemi, A., A method of predicting cyclic stress-strain curve from tensile properties for steels, Mat Sci Eng A-Struct, 556 (2012) 540–550. T