Issue 30

C. Madrigal et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 163-161; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.20 156 The flow rule took the form   p d d    ε Sn Sn σ (12) where  is equal to   Φ Q with loading and   2 / cos q   in the absence of loads. The normal vector was formulated as Q  GSσ n (13) with loads and as     0 2 2 m ca m q q     n GS σ σ GS σ σ (14) without them. Combining the elastic and plastic terms, and inversion, yielded the stress increment:   1 d d      σ H Sn Sn ε (15) where H is a (6 6)  Hooke matrix. N UMERICAL IMPLEMENTATION he previous equations were implemented numerically in two different commercial software packages. Thus, Matlab was used to implement the particular equations for combined axial–torsional loads, which accurately reflect the behaviour of a material under multiaxial loads and considerably simplify the model equations. This enables easy numerical integration by effect of the vector space being reduced to two dimensions. Also, most experimental results at low cycle fatigue under multiaxial loads are obtained by subjecting hollow tubes to combined tensile–torsional loads; as a consequence, these simulations are highly suitable for expeditious validation of models. Figure 2 : Flow chart for the code. T