Issue 30

A. Spagnoli et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 145-152; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.19 150 Fig. 3 depicts the distributions of three geometric parameters of calcite grains: area A, specific surface S s (equal to perimeter-to-area ratio) and the shape parameters  defined above, as a function of the average grain size d ave . The mean values of S s and  are equal to 72.7 mm -1 and 0.034, respectively. Such values are used to work out (see Eq. 3) n = 21810 and to calculate the effective SIF (see Eq. 5 where the reduction factor is equal to   (0.034 0) / 0.08 0 0.425    ). Some lattice/crystallographic preferred orientations may be inferred from microstructural analysis by separating groups of crystals on the basis of the orientation of twin/cleavage planes and of similar birefringence/extinction directions. In particular three groups of birefringence of large crystals may be identified: class A with orientation angle in the range 0- 60°, class B with orientation 60-120° and class C with orientation 120-180°. The frequency distribution of grain orientation for the three classes is reported elsewhere [11]. As has been discussed above, calcite grains exhibit anisotropic thermal expansion whose principal axes are linked to the optic orientation of grains. The present simulations concentrate on the random distribution of grain orientation in the material, whilst the distributions of grain size and shape are disregarded here by considering their mean values. Although the present experimental findings highlights some non-uniform distribution of grain orientation [11], for the sake of simplicity in the following a uniform distribution is considered. More in details, a uniform Probability Density Function (PDF) for the orientation of thermal expansion axes of calcite grains with respect to the longitudinal axis z of the slab is assumed, that is  ( ) 1 p    with 0     . M ONTE C ARLO SIMULATION n the following simulations, as far as thermal expansion is concerned, we analyse a random case where 4 4 1 2 ( ) cos ( ) sin ( ) z x x x        and ( ) x  distribution follows a uniform PDF. Random values of ( ) x  are generated, so that their sequences along the slab thickness can be regarded as a stochastic process. A Monte Carlo simulation is performed by considering a relatively large number (say 20) of realizations of this stochastic process. In this way statistical distribution of the number of thermal cycles producing a given bowing level can be worked out. More in details, the PDF of N for ( ) / b N L (being 0 ( ) [ ( )] ( ) b N f a N f a   ) equal to e.g. 0.1% (1mm/m) can be analysed. Fig. 4 shows the relative bowing ( ) / b N L of slab against the number of thermal cycles N for 20 different random distributions of grain orientation. In general, the curves are characterized by an initial stage where the bowing rate is either accelerating or decelerating, followed by some retardation stage (see the plateaus in the curves) where the rate is nearly null; some phases of strong bowing acceleration (see the steps in the curves) are also evident. The final stage leading to failure is characterized by vertical slopes of the curves, indicating a large scatter in the number of cycles to failure (ranging from 10 5 to 10 8 cycles). Such a three order of magnitude scatter of the number of cycles to failure points out the dramatic variability of bowing evolution of slabs despite the relatively homogeneous nature of Carrara marble. A useful tool that might be applied to interpret in-situ measurements is given in Fig. 5 where the logarithmic frequency distribution of the number of cycles required to attain a relative bowing ( ) / b N L of 0.1%, according to the 20 simulations of grain orientations being performed, is reported. In the plot, the dispersion of the number of cycles leading to a certain bowing level can clearly be observed, offering a direct indication of the data scatter that can be obtain in an in- situ measurement campaign. C ONCLUSIONS he paper analyses the influence of the material microstructure on the bowing of cladding marble slabs applying a theoretical model developed by the authors and taking into account the results of microscopic image processing of thin sections in terms of grain geometrical features and grain optic orientation. The model is based on LEFM concepts applied to marble slabs where grain decohesion due to surface damage can occur. The model is able to estimate the stress intensification near the crack tip and to compute the stress which leads to crack propagation in the slab. Such crack propagation under thermal actions is evaluated and the corresponding bowing is calculated. Some examples, where a random distribution between calcite grains of the thermal expansion coefficient is considered (this being a reasonable description of the actual anisotropic thermal expansion of grains), have been presented to show the strong influence of material microstructure on the degree of bowing. I