Issue 30

A. Spagnoli et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 145-152; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.19 149 In order to quantify the grain-size distribution and preferred orientation of calcite we perform two sets of microstructural analyses, devoted to i) define the grain edges in order to quantify the distributions of some grain geometric parameters and ii) quantify the optic preferred orientation by individuating three main extinction directions (A, B, C) and quantifying the number of grains falling in each direction class. Figure 2 : View of the three orthogonal thin sections being analysed The pictures of the three thin sections are image processed. Automatic processing functions available in the freeware software Gwyddion [18] are used to detect grain edges and to calculate the min/max size, area and perimeter of each grain. The frequency distributions of some geometrical parameters of the automatically detected grains are analysed. From the observation of the distribution of min and max grain sizes for each section, it can be noticed that the size distribution of grains is quasi-isotropic as there is little differences between the three sections. The results indicate a Gaussian-like distribution of grain sizes. The mean value and standard deviation of the max grain size d max distribution are equal to 157 and 77  m, respectively. For the min grain size d min distribution such parameters are equal to 93 and 46  m, respectively. The mean value of the average grain size d ave ( max min ( )/ 2 ave d d d   ) is 125  m. Such a mean value of grain size is adopted in the numerical simulations for grain size d and initial crack length a 0 . Figure 3 : Frequency distributions and distribution as a function of average grain size d ave for the three thin sections of the following grain geometric parameters: area A, specific surface S s and shape parameter  .