Issue 27

Cover 1
A review of the thermographic techniques for damage investigation in composites - L. Vergani, C. Colombo, F. Libonati 9
A review of using thermoelasticity for structural integrity assessment - L. Marsavina, R.A. Tomlinson 21
The application of the infrared thermography on titanium alloy for studying fatigue behavior - P. Hou, J. Fan, Q. Guo, X. Guo 29
Energy dissipation and storage in iron under plastic deformation (experimental study and numerical simulation) - A. Kostina, A. Fedorova, O. Plekhov 36
Characterization of mechanical damage in granite - M.-P. Luong, M. Emami 46
A theoretical model for predicting the Peak Cutting Force of conical picks - G. Kuidong, D. Changlong, J. Hongxiang, L. Songyong 51
Fracture failure analysis of baseplates in a fluidic amplifier made of WC-11Co cemented carbide - H. Liu, K. Yin, J.M. Peng, Q.L. Yin 61
Effects of the manufacturing process on fracture behaviour of cast TiAl intermetallic alloys - A. Brotzu, F. Felli, D. Pilone 74
Research on borehole stability of shale based on seepage-stress-damage coupling model - X. Ran, Y. Wang, S. Jia 82
Study of spatial-time inhomogeneity of serrated plastic flow Al-Mg alloy: Using DIC-technique - T. V. Tretyakova, V. E. Wildemann 91