
V. Veselý et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 25 (2013) 69-78 ; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.25.11 73 P sp P v 1 2 P sp P v 1 2 P v 1 2 P v 1 2 P sp P sp P v P P P sp P v 1 2 P v 1 2 P v 1 2 P v 1 2 P sp P v 1 2 P v P sp P v 1 2 P v 1 2 P v 1 2 P sp P sp P v 1 2 P P P Figure 2 : Schemes of variants of boundary conditions of the WST geometry in both the area of the load application (differences between (a) vs. (b) , (c) and (d) vs. (e) and (f) ) and supports (differences between (a) vs. (b) and (e) vs. (d) vs. (c) and (f)). Taking into account the vertical component of the loading force is essential. N UMERICAL MODELING he test configuration in considered variants of boundary conditions and specimen dimensions corresponding to results showed below are indicated in Fig. 3 and their values are summarized in Tab. 1. Dimensions [mm] W 100 B 100 a 20 ~ 80 d n 20 e 35 f 30 h 15 i 25 Table 1 : Individual dimensions of the modeled WST specimen. T (a) (b) (c) (e) (d) (f)