
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 25 (2013); Rivista Ufficiale del Gruppo Italiano Frattura I Table of Contents D. Nowell, M.E. Kartal, P.F.P. de Matos Characterisation of crack tip fields under non-uniform fatigue loading ……………………………… 1 G. Qian, C. Zhou, Y. Hong Crack propagation mechanism and life prediction for very-high-cycle fatigue of a structural steel in different environmental medias ………………………………………………………………………... 7 A.S. Chernyatin, Yu.G. Matvienko, I.A. Razumovsky Combining experimental and numerical analysis to estimate stress fields along the surface crack front …... 15 Yu. G. Matvienko, V.S. Pisarev, S. I. Eleonsky Determination of fracture mechanics parameters on a base of local displacement measurements ………… 20 D. A. Hills, R. C. Flicek, D. Dini Sharp Contact Corners, Fretting and Cracks …………………………………………………... 27 A. Shanyavskiy Subsurface metals fatigue cracking without and with crack tip …………………………………….. 36 J. Tong, Y.-W. Lu, B. Lin, Y. H. Tai, J.R. Yates Near tip strain evolution under cyclic loading …………………………………………………… 44 J. Lachambre, J.-Y. Buffiere, J. Réthoré, A. Weck In situ 3D characterization of fatigue cracks displacement fields …………………………………... 50 F.V. Antunes, A.G. Chegini, L.M. Correia, A.L. Ramalho Effect of crack propagation on crack tip fields …………………………………………………... 54 P. Lazzarin, M. Zappalorto, F. Berto Recent developments in multi-parametric three-dimensional stress field representation in plates weakened by cracks and notches …………………………………………………………………………... 61 V. Veselý, J. Sobek, L. Šestáková, P. Frantík, S. Seitl Multi-parameter crack tip stress state description for estimation of fracture process zone extent in silicate composite WST specimens …………………………………………………………………… 69 J. T. P. de Castro, M. A. Meggiolaro Is notch sensitivity a stress analysis problem? …………………………………………………… 79 H. Askes, L. Susmel Gradient enriched linear-elastic crack tip stresses to estimate the static strength of cracked engineering ceramics …………………………………………………………………………………… 87