
G. Qian et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 25 (2013) 7-14; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.25.02 9 F RACTOGRAPHY AND FRACTURE MECHANICS ANALYSIS FOR SPECIMENS TESTED IN AIR or the specimens tested in laboratory air, all the fatigue fracture surfaces of both surface initiation and subsurface initiation modes present the morphology of three regions as shown in Fig. 3(a). Region A [Fig. 3(a), (b)] is the crack initiation and early propagation zone, in which crack propagation velocity is very slow to produce a relatively smooth fracture surface with transgranular cleavage-like morphology and fatigue striations. This region is responsible for a substantially large part of the total fatigue life. As shown in Fig. 3 (b), crack initiated at the subsurface of specimen at VHCF regime, forming a fisheye pattern originated from a nonmetallic inclusion with the main chemical compositions examined as Al, Ca and O. Region B is the steady and relatively fast growth zone and Fig. 3(c) is a local micrograph of this zone showing quasi-cleavage morphology. Region C is the final fracture zone and the fracture surface presents the ordinary morphology of dimple pattern [Fig. 3(d)]. Figure 3: Fracture surface of a specimen tested in laboratory air, at σ max = 610 MPa and N f = 3.27×10 8 , (a) whole fracture surface (C.O.: crack origin), (b) enlargement of Region A, (c) enlargement of Region B and (d) enlargement of Region C. By considering the inner boundary as the crack tip for Regions A and B, the stress intensity factor (SIF) K I is calculated with the following formula I a K F a    (1) where σ a is the applied stress, a is the crack radius and F is the geometry factor. In the calculation, Region A is assumed to be elliptical shape and Region B is regarded as circular shape. The values of K I almost keep constant at 16 MPa  m 1/2 from F B C A C. O. 1mm (a) (c) 30μm (d) 20μm Inclusion Fisheye 100μm (b)