Issue 22

R. K. Bhagat et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 22 (2012) 5-11 ; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.22.01 7 All type of solution data of interest can be obtained in POST1 command like von Mises stress, principal stress, deformation, maximum stress, translations, failure criteria, SIFs, J integral. The data can be obtained for all the nodes and elements in tabular form or contour plots. In order to obtain the SIFs a path is defined manually by picking the five nodes at the crack face as shown in Fig. 4. Figure 4 : Representation of displacements to be used in analysis. After defining the path the SIF’s are obtained. The von Mises distribution around the crack tip can be obtained in the contour chart and can be used for further analysis. Image can be saved in the JPEG format. The postprocessor can give contour plot of the structure as shown below in Fig. 5. Von Mises stress distribution for a central inclined cracked in a plate is shown in Fig. 6. Figure 5 : Defining the path node 1-2-3-4-5 for finding SIF. Figure 6 : Von Mises stress distribution for inclined cracked in a plate. R ESULTS AND DISCUSSION alidation of the finite element approach with results available in literature or experimental results are most important for acceptance of the finite element method used in the computation. In the present investigation finite element method results are compared with the experimental results available in literature. It is seen that K I and K II depends upon crack angle, biaxial load factor, constant stress term and geometry factor (a/W) and (a/L). The results are compared with the experimental results of Singh and Gope [9]. The effects of these parameters on stress intensity factors based on photoelastic analysis are modelled by Singh and Gope [9] as:       1 1 1 cos 2 e I e L K a k k f W              (1) V