Issue 22

H. Singh et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 22 (2012) 69-84; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.22.08 75 Figure 6 : The schematic view of different region of particles on substrate [7]. Figure 7 : Induction (deposition delay) time vs. the mean impact velocity of Al particles on a polished Cu substrate [7]. Splat Adhesion Cold spray process transfers momentum from the supersonic gas jet to the particles results in high velocity particle jet. These powder particles, on impact onto the substrate surface, plastically deform and once bonded to the substrate these particles are known as splats. The interlinking of these splats build up the coating during the process [2, 8]. The relationship between the splat diameter ( D ) and the diameter of the initial droplet ( d ) for cold spray is given by Lima et al. [10]. The degree of spreading ( D/d ) is directly proportional to the velocity and inversely proportional to the yield stress ( σ y ) of the particle as: (D/d)α(ρ, v p , d) α −1 ( σ y ), where ρ, σ y and v p are the density, yield stress and the particle impact velocity, respectively. Hence, the particles with the same yield stress, density and approximately same size will present larger spreading for higher velocities of impact. So there will be smoother coatings with high impact velocities, which rises with the rise of temperature of the gas. Hence, Lima et al. [10] reported the decrease of roughness, increase of deposition efficiency, microhardness and elastic modulus of the cold spray coating with the rise of the gun temperature and also with decrease of spray distance for Ti cold spray coatings on aluminium pipes. Dickinson et al. [8] noticed the increase of splat adhesion with rise of pressure from 0.4 MPa to 1 MPa cold sprayed TiO 2 particles on a stainless steel substrate. Also results shows that smaller splats (< 5 µm) had higher adhesion strengths than larger splats (> 5 µm). Also the low yield