Issue 21

R. Valentini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 21 (2012) 30-36 ; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.21.04 31 E XPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES wo series of Maraging specimen were heat treated to achieve the desired resistance, the first was peak-aged at 480°C for 8 hours and the second at 535°C for 1 hour. AISI 4340 was quenched and tempered to achieve a hardness of 50-52 HRC. The mechanical properties of the materials in exams are presented in Table 1. Material  Y  U  V 20 [MPa] [MPa] AISI 4340 1548 1858 549 Maraging 250 (peak-aged at 480°C) 1720 1740 509 Maraging 250 (peak-aged at 535°C) 1400 1410 441 Table 1 : Average (3 specimens) yield (σ Y ) and ultimate strength (σ U ) for SSRT tested steels. Cylindrical unnotched specimens (3 mm of diameter and 25 mm of gage) were used for HRE tests. Specimens were anodically coated with a layer of Zinc (15 µm) as visible in Fig. 1 (a) to obtain a high current associated to hydrogen reduction. To expose the underlying steel, Zinc was removed from an annular area (1 mm wide) shown in Fig. 1 (b). Mechanical tests (SSRT at a strain rate of 3.3·10 -5 s -1 ) were performed in the following conditions: air, 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution and paint-stripper. Further tests in salt solution were conducted with the addition of a galvanic coupling to recreate the enhancing effect of a nobler material on HRE. For this particular test, the coupling was made of AISI 316 (austenitic stainless steel), for its high galvanic activity and its good availability and workability. The coupling was made in two symmetrical halves and designed with a cylindrical cavity with the same nominal diameter of the specimen. Specimen and coupling were assembled like shown in Fig. 1 (c) to provide a suitable crevice for HRE. (a) (b) (c) Figure 1 : (a) Optical microscope picture of Zinc layer (500X), (b) Zinc coated round unnotched tensile specimen with the annular exposed steel area and (c) galvanic coupling made of AISI 316. T