Issue 16

L. Susmel, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 16 (2011) 5-17; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.16.01 12 Material Reference m S65A Steel [30] 0.41 42CrMo4 [42] 0.35 34Cr4 [41] 0.36 30NCD16 (Batch 2) [37] 0.16 CK45 [51] 0.31 St35 [44] 0.29 30NCD16 [61] 0.64 St60 [63] 0.38 25CrMo4 [65] 0.89 En3B [19] 0.22 Table 2 : Values of the mean stress sensitivity index for those materials having m lower than unity. The experimental fully-reversed torsional endurance limit,  A , vs. equivalent shear stress,  A,eq , diagram reported in Fig. 4 summarises the accuracy of the MWCM in estimating the multiaxial endurance limits experimentally determined by testing unnotched samples made of 65 different metallic materials, the error being calculated as follows [68]: 100 [%] ,    A A eqA Error    (12) The above diagram makes it evident that the MWCM is highly accurate in estimating high-cycle fatigue strength of plain engineering materials subjected to multiaxial fatigue loading, resulting in 95% of the estimates falling within an error interval equal to ±15%. Figure 4 : MWCM’s accuracy in estimating high cycle fatigue strength of plain metallic materials subjected to multiaxial loading paths, where IPh=in-phase, OoPh=out-of-phase, ZMS=zero mean stress, N-ZMS=non-zero mean stress, DF=different frequences, CLP=complex loading paths (see Fig. 3). In order to further investigate the accuracy of our multiaxial fatigue criterion, the MWCM was subsequently used, in terms of nominal stresses, to estimate high-cycle fatigue strength of notched samples subjected to in-phase and out-of-phase biaxial loading, by also considering situations involving non-zero mean stresses. Tab. 2 summarises the fully-reversed nominal uniaxial,  An , and torsional,  An , endurance limits of the considered notched samples, together with a brief description of the investigated geometrical features (see also Tab. 3 for the values of mean stress sensitivity index m). As to the notch endurance limits summarised in Tab. 2, it is worth observing that, since the uniaxial and torsional ones were not available for the notched samples of En3B [19], they have been estimated from the corresponding fatigue strength reduction factor, K f , calculated according to Peterson’s rule [73, 74]. 10 100 1000 10 100 1000  A,eq [MPa]  A [MPa] IPh, ZMS IPh, N-ZMS OoPh, ZMS OoPh, N-ZMS DF CLP Conservative Non-Conservative Error = -15% Error = +15% 65 Different Materials 526 Experimental Results