Issue 16

L. Susmel, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 16 (2011) 5-17; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.16.01 11 Material Reference  A  A  UTS Loding Path [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] 30NCD16 (Batch 1) [36] 586.0 405.0 1160.0 B-T 30NCD16 (Batch 2) [37] 660.0 410.0 1160.0 B-T Cast Iron [38] 151.0 92.0 - IP-T 0.35% C Steel [39] 216.0 142.0 559.0 IEP-Ax Mild Steel [40] 235.4 137.3 375.0 B-T Hard Steel [40] 313.9 196.2 680.0 B-T 3% C Cast Iron [40] 96.1 91.2 180.9 B-T Duraluminium [40] 156.0 100.0 433.0 B-T 34Cr4 [41] 410.0 256.0 795.0 B-T 42CrMo4 [42] 398.0 267.0 1025.0 B-T St35 [43] 206.0 123.0 395.0 IP-Ax-T St35 [44] 230.0 130.0 - IP-Ax En24T [45] 405.0 270.0 850.0 IP-Ax XC18 [46] 332.0 186.0 520.0 B-T 34Cr4 [41] 343.0 204.0 710.0 IP-B-T 25CrMo4 [47] 340.0 228.0 780.0 B-T Fe-Cu [48] 319.0 220.0 - B-T 25CrMo4 [49] 361.0 228.0 780.0 IP-B-T Grey Cast Iron [50] 164.0 124.7 278.8 B-T CK45 [51] 423.0 287.0 - B-T FGS 800-2 [52] 294.0 220.0 815.0 B-T FeE 460 [53] 272.0 174.0 670.0 Ax-T FGS 700/2 [54] 294.0 218.0 750.0 B-T Ti-6Al-4V [55] 652.0 411.0 1090.0 B-T High strength steel [56] 630.0 364.0 - B-T High strength steel [56] 298.0* 172.0 - B-T High strength steel [56] 320.0 184.7* - B-T R7T (Axial) [57] 514.4* 297.0 820-940 Ax-T R7T (Circum.) [57] 537.0* 310.0 820-940 Ax-T 42CrMo4 [58] 525.7 336.3 996.0 Ax-T 39NiCrMo3 [59] 367.5 265.0 856 Ax-T SAE 52100 [60] 866.0 540.0 2467.0 Ax-T 30NCD16 [61] 690.0 428.0 1200.0 B-T GGG60 [62] 275.0 249.0 815.0 B-T St60 [63] 294.0 176.0 765.0 IP-Ax 76S-T61 [64] 217.9 143.4 419.3 B-T 76S-T61 [64] 188.3 119.3 419.3 B-T 76S-T61 [64] 170.3 109.7 419.3 B-T 25CrMo4 [65] 340.0 228.0 801.0 IP-Ax-T C35N [66] 250.0 150.0 550.0 Ax-T C35N [67] 189.0 150.0 533.0 Ax-T Table 1 : Mechanical properties of the unnotched materials, where: *Estimated according to von Mises, Ax=axial loading, B=bending, T=torsion, I(E)P=internal (external) pressure.