Issue 14

Cover 1
M. N. James, M. Newby - The interface between metallurgy and mechanics in material performance 7
B. Lobato da Silva, J. L. de Almeida Ferreira, F. Oliveira, J. A. Araújo - Influence of mean stress on the fatigue strength of ASTM A743 CA6NM alloy steel 19
C. M. Sharanaprabhu, S. K. Kudari - Analysis of crack-tip plastic zone in a Compact Tensile Shear (CTS) Specimen 29
B. Lobato da Silva, J. L. de Almeida Ferreira - High-cycle notch sensitivity of alloy steel ASTM A743 CA6NM used in hydrogenator turbine components 38
B. M. Chiaia, B. Frigo - Numerical study of fracture arrest on snow cover 47
V. Di Cocco, L. Zortea - Influence of dipping time on cracking during bending of hot dip galvanized coatings with Sn and Ti contents 54
M. Merlin - Microstructural characterisation related to hot tearing of Al-Cu sand mould castings 66
A. Namdar, A. K. Pelko, A. Nusrath - Liquefaction mathematical analysis for improvement structures stability 77
D. Firrao, G. Ubertalli, P. Matteis, C. Pozzi -The way the mistery of the Mattei’s case was solved 83
IGF Newsletter 95