Issue 14

D. 92 C O L IS [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10 [11 [12 [13 [14 [15 [16 [17 [18 [19 [20 [21 [22 [23 [24 [25 T Firrao et alii, Fr NCLUSION he Matt of the p T OF REFE G. E. Diete C. S. Smith, D. Firrao, G E. Schmidt, J. A. Venab N.Y., (1964 H. Suzuki, C L. Remy, A R. M. Latan F. Lecroisey ] F. Lecroisey ] N. J. Petch, ] E. O. Hall, ] M. A. Meye ] H. J. Kesten ] L. Remy, A ] S. Appleton ] L. Remy, A ] D. Firrao, P ] J. Y. Choi, W ] N. Inakatsu ] M. Gonzale A, 343 (200 ] G. Rhodes, ] Firrao, P. M R. Montana ] D. Firrao, (2009)76. ] D. Firrao, P attura ed Integri ei affair had lane. RENCES r, Mechanica Trans. M.S. . Ubertalli, a G. Siebel, Z les, in Defo ) 77. . Barrett, Ac . Pineau, B. T ision, A.W. R , B. Thomas , A. Pineau, J. Iron Steel , Proc. Phys. rs, U.R. And bach, M.A. M . Pineau, Met , G.E. Dieter . Pineau, Mat . Matteis, C. . Jin, Script , H. Yamamo z, C.S.B. Cas 3) 51. A.W. Thomp atteis, G. Sc ri, M.E. Tata P. Matteis, C . Matteis, C. tà Strutturale, 1 been solved: l Metallurgy, AIME, 214 ( nd E. Corda . Elektrochem rmation Twi ta Metall., 6 homas, Mat. uff, Metall. T , Phys. Status Metall. Trans Inst., 174 (19 Soc., B64 (19 rade, A.H. Ch eyers, Meta all. Trans. A, , M.B. Bever . Sc. Engnr., Pozzi, Acc. S a Materialia, to, M. Ishio tro, V.T.L. B son, Metall. avino, G. Ub , G. Brandim . Pozzi, M.G Pozzi, Mater 4 (2010) 81-92 a small charg McGraw-Hil 1958) 574. no, Technolo ., 37 (1931) nning, R.E. R (1958) 156. Sc. Engnr., 3 rans., 2 (197 Solidi A, 2 ( ., 3 (1972) 38 53) 25. 51) 747. okshi, Meta ll. Trans. A, 7 5A (1974) 1 s, Trans. M.S 26 (1976) 12 c. Torino - M 36 (1996) 99. , J. Japan Inst uono, J.M.C Trans. A, 8A ertalli, C. Po arte, S. Petra . Ienco, G ials Science F ; DOI: 10.3221/I e bomb had l Kogakusha gy, Law and 447. eed, J.P. Hi 6 (1978) 47. 1) 505. 1970) K217. 7. ll. Mater. Tra A (1976) 19 963. . AIME, 221 3. em. Sc. Fis. . Metals, 48 ( . Vilela, M.S. (1977) 1901 zzi, M.G. Ien lia, Metall. an . Pellati, M.R orum, 638-6 GF-ESIS.14.09 been plante , New York, Insurance, 4 rth, H.C. Ro ns. A, 26 (19 43. (1961) 90. Ser. V, 29 (2 1984) 71. Andrade, J.M . co, P. Piccar d Mater. Tra . Pinasco, R 42 (2010) 102 d behind the N.Y., USA, ( (1999) 23. gers eds., G 95) 2881. 005) 3. .D. Moraes, do, M.R. Pin ns. A, 38 (20 . Montanari, 9. dashboard f 1976) 51. ordon & Bre M.J. Mantel, asco, E. Stag 07) 2869. M.E. Tata, rom the exte ach, New Y Mater. Sci. E no, G. Costa CALPHAD rior ork, ng. nza, , 33