Issue 14

C.M 32 To the loa var var enc step (iii) zon Th Fig ma fac elem esti app this and wh par Th Fig elem fou ind (mo Th for of sm loa the val zon . Sharanaprabh illustrate the contours are ding angles (  ious  remai ious loading laves shown s and loadin angle at wh e radius (MP Figure 9 : Ty e variation of .11, Fig.12 a gnitudes of r tors. It must ent analysis mation of b roximation. figure that, it is highest ich is 3.33 tim ticular value e variation o . 12. It is al ent analysis nd that ther icates that th de-II). ese results (r p the similar m the material aller plastic z ding is consi FEA values ues of θ with e size occur u et alii, Frattu developmen superimpos ), the plastic ns almost sim angles is in i n Fig. 7, Fig g angle (β), ich the maxi ZR) and (v) pical shapes o  =0 o - 90 o un the plastic z nd Fig.13 r e p estimated b be noted th is slightly l oth the an Fig. 11 illust for a particul for  =0 o (m es that of M of K eff , mode f the analytic so noted tha is slightly la e is less than e magnitude and (r p ) max ) agnitude of in Mode-I is one area ah dered to be m of θ with the the loading a s (  ) changes ra ed Integrità S t of the crack ed and show zone under ilar, with so good agreem . 8 and Fig. such as: (i) p mum extent angle at whic f crack-tip pla der 10kN load one characte spectively. F y analytical at for variou arger than th alytical and rates that the ar magnitude ode-II). The ode-I. Thes -I loading ca al and the fin t for various rger than tha 2% of error of (r p ) max for indicate clea K eff . This an much lower ead of the c ore dangero loading angl ngle, β is ob from 0 o to 9 trutturale, 14 (2 -tip plastic z n in Fig. 9. F -goes a rotati me change in ent with the 9, several pla lastic zone si of plastic zo h MPZR occ stic zones for . rizing param ig. 11 show Eq. 10 and F s loading an at of the th FEA results plastic zone of K eff (for e difference in e results infe n lead to ma ite element loading ang t of the analy in estimatio a particular rly that the a alysis infers t than under rack-tip, the us than mod e, β is depict served. This 0 o as  is va 010) 27-35; DO ones for vari rom this figu on. It is also the size and theoretical r stic-zone cha ze along the ne occurs,  , urs,  o . Thes eters r p and ( s the variati EA are com gles (β), the eoretical valu . This discr size ahead o xample, 500 magnitudes r that, due to terial fracture values of (r p ) les (β), the tical values f n of both th value of K ef rea of plastic hat for the si Mode-II load mode-I load e-II. The var ed in Fig. 13. plot indicates ried from 0 o I: 10.3221/IGF-E ous loading a re one can f interesting to orientation esults as sho racterizing p crack plane, measured fr e parameters Figure 10 : Sc r p ) max vs . K eff on of r p vs . pared for pa plastic zone es. It is fou epancy may f the crack-t MPa mm 1/2 ) of r p for  = minimum p earlier than max vs . K eff fo maximum pl or a particula e analytical a f is least for  zone in mo milar magnit ing. One ca ing leads to iation of the A small disc that the ang to 90 o both f SIS.14.03 ngles,  =0 o t ind that for s note that th . The nature wn in Fig. 7 arameters can r p , (ii) maxim om the crack are schemat hematic repre characterizing and  vs .  f K eff for var rticular value size along t nd that there be due to ip increases w the value of 0 o and 90 o f lastic zone r any mixed m r various loa astic zone si r effective st nd finite ele =90 o (mode de-I is much ude of K eff th n conclude f early fractur theoretical v repancy in th le at which t or the analyt o 90 o and ap imilar applie e shape of th of growth of . From the r be estimate um plastic z plane, (iv) ically illustrat sentation of p parameters. or CTS speci ious loading s of effectiv he crack pla is less than the finite ith K eff . It i r p is least for or K eff = 500 adius ahead o ode or mode ding angles ( ze (r p ) max est ress intensity ment results. -I) and it is smaller than e energy abs rom this ana e, hence in alues of θ ar e analytical a he maximum ical and the F plied load 10 d load at var e plastic zon plastic zone esults for pla d at various l one size, (r p minimum pla ed in Fig. 10. lastic zone men is show angles (  ). e stress inten ne for the fi 2% of erro element ana s also clear f  =90 o (mod is about 5 m f crack-tip f -II loading.  ) is depicte imated by fi factor. It is This figure highest for  that of mod orption capa lysis that, du fracture, Mo e compared w nd finite elem extent of pla EA results. kN, ious e at for stic oad ) max , stic n in The sity nite r in lysis rom e-I) m, or a d in nite also also =0 o e-II city e to de-I ith ent stic It is