Issue 14

C.M 30 par 284 thir has MP R E und the Th Sha Eq loa D . Sharanaprabh ametric quad 4. The maxi d of yield st been consid a, Poisson’s Figure 2 : S (all di SULTS AND ifferen zone s compu er mixed mo similar appli is nature of v ranaprabhu ns. (6) and (7 d 4kN and 1 u et alii, Frattu rilateral elem mum load ap ress to keep ered to be lin ratio (  ) of 0 pecimen confi mensions in m F DISCUSSIO t load steps hape and siz ted for vari de loading i ed load, for ariation of K [13]. The ma ). The estima 0 kN. This p ra ed Integrità S ents conside plied is 10k the analysis d ear elastic ty .3 and elastic guration used m), thickness igure 4 : FE m N were applied e ahead of th ous load step .e variation o a loading ang II vs. K I is in gnitudes of K ted theoretic lot indicates trutturale, 14 (2 ring plane str N and the co omain appro pe pertaining modulus ( E ) in the analysis = 3 mm. esh, loading a to the spec e crack-tip. T s and loadin f K II vs. K I f le below 70° good agree I and K II ha al values of s that there ex 010) 27-35; DO ess condition rresponding ximately und to interstitia of 197 GPa nd boundary c imen to estim he stress int g angles (  ) or various lo the stress in ment with th ve also been tress intensit ists some dis I: 10.3221/IGF-E . The numb applied stre er LEFM. I l free steel (IF [8] . onditions used ate the stre ensity factors using the AB ading is depi tensity facto e results sho computed by y factors hav crepancy in t SIS.14.03 er of element ss is 62 MPa n these calcu ) possessing Figure 3 : Lo in FE analysi ss intensity fa in mixed mo AQUS post cted in Fig.5. r in mode-I i wn b y Benra analytical fo e been superi he estimation s used in the , which is ap lations, the m the yield stre ading Jig. s. ctor and to de loading ( processor. T This figure i s more than hou et al. [9] rmulations c mposed in F of stress int FE analysis proximately aterial beha ngth (  y ) of study the pla K I and K II ) w he failure lo ndicates that that of mod and Kudari ited in the ab ig. 5 typically ensity factor was one vior 155 stic ere cus for e-II. and ove for s by