Issue 14

A C C. Dep Sh Res Dh s.k A B init pla by mi res wit K E I N inv esti Fra min stat dep spe frac the ana und line pre crit me P nalysis ompact M. Sharan artment of M ashidhar K earch Center, arwad-58000 udari@rediffm STRACT . Th iation direc stic zone si analytical a xed mode (I ults are com h reference YWORDS . P TRODUCTIO rediction life pred depends estigators [5- mates of cra cture Mecha imum plasti es that the ending on t cime n [8]. H ture specim plastic zone lysis are mis er mixed m arly with re sent work is erion for cra chanics (LEF of crack Tensil aprabhu echanical Eng . Kudari Department o 2, India e minimum tion under m ze (PZS). In nd the elast /II) loading pared to a to the loadi lastic zone; N of crack ini iction of eng on the loadin 7] have prop ck-tip plastic nics (LEFM c zone radius crack initiate he loading d ence, this ki en estimated under mixed sing in their ode loading spect effectiv to validate th ck initiation M) regime fo C.M. Sh -tip pla e Shear ineering, Bap f Mechanical plastic zon ixed mode this invest ic finite ele according nalyze the m ng angle and Mixed mod tiation and o ineering mat g angle [4], osed fractur zone size in ) approach. (MPZR) th s in the dire irection. It is nd of study by numerica mode loadi investigation condition us e stress inte e finite elem angle with re r plane stres aranaprabhu et stic zo (CTS) uji Institute of Engineering S e radius (M loading. T igation, the ment comp to von Mise inimum p stress inten e I/II; Mini rientation wi erials [1-3]. I and the loadi e criteria for mixed mod Recently, Bi eory for crac ction where well known needs detaile l method suc ng by the fin . Sharanapr ing finite ele nsity factor ent results wi ference to t s condition. alii, Frattura ed ne in a Specim Engineering DM, College PZR) criteri he MPZR t shape and s utations in s yield crite lastic zone sity factor. mum plastic th its propag n mixed mo ng angle alter the predictio e fracture. Th an and Kim k initiation an the radius o that plastic d informatio h as the fini ite element m abhu and Ku ment analysi and is indep th the theore he loading an Integrità Strutt en & Technology of Engineerin on is one of heory is bas ize of crack a Compact ria. The the radius (MPZ zone radiu ation path u de fracture, s the shape a n of the cra e analytical [4] and Kh gle in mixed f plastic zon zone size (P n about the te element m ethod, but t dari [10] ha s. The autho endent of lo tical results t gle and stre urale, 14 (2010) , Davanager g and Techno the recent ed on the t -tip plastic Tensile Sh oretical and R) criterio s; Finite elem nder mixed- it is known t nd size of th ck-initiation estimates we an and Kh mode mono e takes eithe ZS) depend crack-tip pla ethod . Benr he details of ve studied si rs have dem ading angle. o analyze the ss intensity f 27-35; DOI: 10 e 577004, In logy, criterions to heoretical c zones have ear (CTS) s the finite e n for crack- ent analysi mode loading hat the crack e crack-tip pl angle based re obtained b raisheh [7] h tonic loadin r a local or s on the typ stic zone sha ahou et al . [9 the mixed m ze and shape onstrated th Hence, the minimum pl actor in linea .3221/IGF-ESIS. dia estimate cr omputation been estima pecimen un lement anal initiation an s. is desirable initiation a astic zone . Sev on the analy y Linear Ela ave propose g. MPZR the global minim e of the frac pe and size ] have estim ode plastic z of plastic z at MPZR va objective of astic zone ra r elastic frac 14.03 27 ack s of ted der ysis gle for ngle eral tical stic d a ory um ture in a ated one one ries the dius ture