Issue 14

B. L 20 Fa Th 90 the cur obs Th stre stre Str Th me cha equ app end and alte obato da Silva tigue tests e fatigue test [9] and ASTM critical value ve, 2 specim erved the tes e S-N curves ss levels. Th ss, S-N curv ategy for evalu e strategy us an stress, S m racterize the ation when lication of t urance limit, S ar Basquin sh rnating stres et alii, Frattura s under axial 739-91 [10 s of design i ens were tes ts were repro were obtaine e stress relat es were desig ation of mean ed to evaluat , alternating mean and S m = 0 , the e he value of r called S ar Basq ould be iden s, S ar Model . Fatigu experime data Specimen / 1 / A 1 / B 2 / B ed Integrità Stru loads were p ] , the minim s 12 specime ted for each duced, guara d considerin ed to the in ned for the f stress models e models’ ad stress, S a , an alternating s quivalent fa esulting life, uin Then, if th tical statistic Figure 3 : St e ntal   , a m   N Sample a 15 15 15 tturale, 14 (201 Figure 2 : S Tab erformed in t um number ns with repr one of the nteeing at le g the total cr finite life is d ollowing rati ’ adherence herence con d the resulti tress in one tigue strength N , in the Ba e prediction ally. Tab. 4 rategy for eval Extrapol ar S ar  ar S a  (mm) b (mm 1.42 63.7 1.13 61.5 2.40 58.8 0) 17-26; DOI : pecimen 2 for le 3 : Specimen he MTS 810, of necessary oduction of 5 chosen str ast 58% of re ack growth u efined as lim o loads, R, -1 sists in the u ng life, N . A mean stress according squin’s equa model was ad shows a resu uation of mea ate data N S m    , a m   ) c (mm) 1 24.00 7 28.00 7 34.66 10.3221/IGF-ESI sample B. data universal tes specimens to 50 to 75%. T ess levels. In production. nder dynami it of fatigue , 0, 1/3 and 2 se of three p ccording to model allow to specific m tion allows t herent to th me of the e n stress model Cycle numbe m Experimental d d (mm) e 10.00 12.00 12.50 S.14.02 ting machine obtain a cur hen, for a pr the three le c loads, repe . In order to /3. arameters th Fig. 3, the a s to evalua odel, called o estimate a e experiment quations use s’ adherence r S ata (mm) f (m 6.00 48. 7.00 28. 7.00 56. . According ve S-N in or eliminary an vels where la ating the pro evaluate th at characteri pplication o te, through S ar Model . In a new value fo al results, the d to estimat tatistical analysis Model ar S Basquin ar S m) g(mm) 00 50.00 00 50.00 00 to ASTM E 4 der to determ alysis of the rger scatter cess for diffe e effect of m ze a fatigue f the data wh extrapolation similar way, r the equiva values of S ar e the equiva 68- ine S-N was rent ean test: ich of the lent Model lent