Issue 14

In A Br Fed Bra lob A B AS 33 we par and Kw Ac cor rel rel str K E I N pro con stru cra phe con pro the esti ma Bas Th cor T fluence STM A aitner Lob eral Universi sília, Brazil, atoae@gmail. STRACT . T TM A743 C specimens re tested un ameters tha its scatter ofie’s relati cording to t rectly the r ation are co ation makes ength. YWORDS . F TRODUCTIO he AST compon develop gressive and ditions. Thi cture, on the ck growth an nomenon is ditions of t cedures to e use of these mate the effe chine elemen ic relations of e fatigue life related with of mea 743 CA6 ato da Silv ty of Brasília, 70940-910., jorge@ he objective A6NM allo were experi der stress t describe th bands. In th ons were te he obtained eduction ef nsistent an it possible atigue; Goo N M A743 CA ents be desig ment and th located pro s failure pro presence of d it can cul common in hese compo stimate the e methodolog cts of mean ts subject to load characte is described the alternat B. Lo n stres NM al a, Jorge L Mechanical E, felip of this wo y steel. It is mentally ev ratio 0, 1/3 e fatigue be e assessmen sted in orde results it w fect fatigue d the Walk to evaluate dman; Gerb 6NM alloy ned for infin e propagation cess of struc cess depend residual stre minate in fra axes’ flaw nents indent ndurance lim ies demands stress in the complex load rization by the Wöh ing stress, S bato da Silva et s on the loy stee uiz de Alm ngineering D rk is to ev used in sev aluated und and 2/3. havior of th t of the me r to evaluat as possible life and pre er’s relation in a consiste er; Walker; steel is used ite fatigue lif of those cr tural degrad s strongly on sses, on the g cture of the s, blades and ified that re it of structu a solid char fatigue streng s, for the us ler curve or a . This met alii, Frattura ed fatigu l eida Ferr epartment, Ca m, alex07@ aluate the e eral hydrog er axial load Based on t e evaluated an stress eff e the validi to verify th sented high presented nt way the Kwofie; AS in several e, fatigue cra acks are asso ation that h the stress eometric de structural co rotors. Sta sidual stresse ral compone acterization th and to ide ed material. S-N curve, S hod is a rel Integrità Struttu e streng eira, Felipe mpus Univer ffects of m enator turbi s with stres he obtained material, ob ects of fatig ty of the us at Goodman scatter. Th smaller sca effect of th TM A743 C hydrogenato cks usually ar ciated to th appens in a levels that a tails and on t mponent af rting from t s are fundam nts are much of the mater ntify the mo tress-life, wh ation that c rale, 14 (2010) th of Oliveira, sitário Darcy ean stress o ne compon s ratio of - results it tain its S-N ue life, Goo e of such ru and Gerb e prediction tter than K e presence o A6NM. r turbine co e found at th e fatigue pro material und ctivate in the he material. T ter a certain he producti ental facto known and ial. In that w del to be cap ere the num an be well 17-26; DOI: 10 José Alex Ribeiro, n the fatig ents. In ord 1 and mor was possibl curves, its dman, Gerb les for the er’s relation s of Walke wofie’s rel f mean stre mponents. I e root of tur cess. Fatigue er stress and most loade hese condit number of on, assembly rs to cause relatively re ay, the prese able to predic ber of cycles used to adju .3221/IGF-ESIS. ander Araú ue behavior er to achiev e 60 specim e to determ endurance li er, Walker tested mate s do not mo r and Kwof ation. Walk sses on fati n spite of th bine blades. is a perman strain dyna d points of ions can deve cycle loads. T and operat the fatigue. liable. Howe nt work aim t the strengt to failure, N st appropria 14.02 17 jo of e it, ens ine mit and rial. del ie’s er’s gue ese The ent, mic the lop his ion, The ver, s to h of , is tely