Issue 14

M.N 14 It i ser cali In latt reg me fro Th inte equ phe . James et alii, s clear that n vice welds a bration of th measuring re ice spacing d ion. An im asurements o m a number is brief discu rface betwee ally require nomena. Fi Frattura ed Inte Figure 8b : eutron and s nd other com e accuracy of sidual stresse 0 , which is a portant aspe n toothcomb of relevant p ssion has, h n metallurgy an understa gure 9 : Residu grità Strutturale Residual stres ynchrotron d ponents, p the predictiv s using diffr ffected by fac ct of diffrac specimens c ositions in th opefully, ind and mechan nding of th al stress conto , 14 (2010) 5-1 s profiles at a iffraction ar articularly if e model. action techni tors such as tion-based m ut across the e plate. icated that n ics in materi e effect of urs for an orig 6; DOI: 10.3221/ depth of 1 mm e very power the results a ques, crystal composition easurement weld region ot only are als performan crystal struc inal site weld IGF-ESIS.14.01 below the su ful technique re linked to lattice spacin and micros s is therefor [27] or via u residual stre ce, but also ture and mi made in the 10 rface of the w s for assessin finite eleme g is determi tructure and e determina se of small c sses an inter that their me crostructure mm 304L sta eld overlay. g 3D residu nt modellin ned relative t hence can va tion of d 0 , o ubes (perhap esting demo asurement a on continu inless steel pla al stress field g and used o the strain- ry across a w ften by mak s 2x2x2 mm) nstration of nd interpreta um and phy te. s in as a free eld ing cut the tion sics