Issue 14

Ne ver for Th spa ove stre hig but site 304 trea spe Fig utron diffra tical and ho measuring e 3D stress s cing of 4 mm rlay weld sup ss profiles in hest tensile r t weld, wher welds made L. The pos tment of the cimen. ure 8a : Residu ction data w rizontal slit strains in th tate was mea at depths erimposed o the three c esidual stress e the FS weld in the stainl sibility of SC weld region Figure 7 : al stress conto ere measur sizes of 1.1 e direction t sured with a of 2 mm, 5 n a friction oordinate di es in the ove was located ess steel plat C should th would furth Two 304L sta dete ur maps for F M. N. James e ed using the mm, and a ransverse to spacing of 2 mm and 8 m stir weld) are rections mea rlay sample o . Peak stress e (Fig. 9) , wh erefore be g er reduce re inless steel we rmination of t SW and laser b t alii, Frattura e {3 1 1} pla neutron w the weld is mm from the m into the p shown as co sured at a de ccur at abou es in the repa ilst the corr reatly reduce sidual stresse lds shown in p he strains tran eam weld ove d Integrità Strut nes in the al avelength o shown in F centre-line late. Residu ntour maps pth of 1 mm t 5 mm to th ir overlay are osion resistan d after this s and these osition on the sverse to the w rlay on a V-bu turale, 14 (2010 loy giving a f 1.5488 Å. ig. 7. of the weld a al stress dat in Fig. 8a , wh below the e side of the lower than t ce of the ov repair proced can be re-me SALSA instru eld. tt weld in 10 m ) 5-16; DOI : 10 diffraction The typica t a depth of a for specim ilst Fig. 8b g surface of t centre-line o hose occurri erlay alloy is ure has bee asured after ment for m plate of 30 .3221/IGF-ESIS. angle of 91. l sample set 1 mm and wi en 3 (laser b ives the resi he overlay. f the origina ng in the orig higher than n applied. H heat treating 4L stainless s 14.01 13 35º, -up th a eam dual The l V- inal the eat the teel.