Issue 14

M.N 12 Ap     Sim ana sca the Th wel Lau wel Th sup tha pro stre stre of dif . James et alii, plications: Magnetic st Organic stru Bulk studies Low-energy ilar improve lysis for high les for most neutron or s e utility of n ds on the so e-Langevin ding using a ese repair w erimposed o n the parent cesses, simu ss corrosion ss, and it is c these various fraction inten Figur Frattura ed Inte ructures and ctures using (strains, exc spectroscop ments to th intensity ne metallic alloy ynchrotron i eutron diffra phisticated 6 in Grenoble utogenous fr elds were m n convention plate. The lating the or cracking (SC learly import welds are sh sities, requiri Figure 5 e 6 : Illustratio grità Strutturale excitations the H-D iso itations) y, e.g. molecu ose found w utron source s. It is now nstrument. ction is easily -axis hexapo , France. T iction stir we ade in annea al V-prepara original but iginal constru C) during se ant to know own in Fig. ng long coun : Measuremen n of repair we , 14 (2010) 5-1 tope effect lar vibration ith synchrot s, mean that also possibl demonstrat d Stewart pla his experime lding and las led SA240 G tion butt we t welds wer ction metho rvice in the p how repair w 6. It is wor t times for e t of residual st ld procedures of fusion w 6; DOI : 10.3221/ s App  P  F  S  H e ron radiation residual strai e to apply in ed; Fig. 5 sh tform of the nt was conc er beam weld rade 304L lds. They wo e made usin ds used in t ower genera elding proce th noting th ach measurem resses in 16 m superimposed elds in 304L st IGF-ESIS.14.01 lications: rotein-crysta ast chemical urface studie igh-energy s lectron energ sources, in n and stress -situ loading ows residual SALSA neu erned with a ing with 316 austenitic sta uld be expe g either subm he stainless s tion industry dures will aff at texturing i ent [26]. m thick plates on SCC crack ainless steel. l structures reactions s (defects, co pectroscopy y-levels automated data can be o to specimen stresses bein tron diffract ssessing the L and nicke inless steel p cted to displ erged arc o teel tanks. , which is dri ect the residu n austenitic w of 304L stain s in the heat-a rrosion) , e.g. measure sample posit btained over s whilst they g measured ion instrume influences o l-based powd late 10 mm ay better cor r manual m Stainless stee ven by high al stress dist eld metals c less steel. ffected zone ( ments of ioning and a wide rang are mounted in stainless s nt at the Ins f overlay re er consumab thick and w rosion resista etal arc weld l can experie levels of resi ribution. De an lead to w HAZ) data e of on teel titut pair les. ere nce ing nce dual tails eak