Issue 14

a l acc car mu elec se e Syn Its Th loc a ty Ne of par wh em 0.1 spe ma it w dif Ne Pa In un Sc hy De Le inear acceler elerated (to efully synchr lti-magnet in tron beam a Fig. 4 – with chrotron rad advantages d  High br  High co  Low em  Wide tu  High br ese attributes ation ~ 10µm pical experim utron diffrac steel). The r ticularly whe en waves en anating from Å to 1000 Å cies or comp terial. Such a ill scatter u fraction. Neu utrons rticle beam (n teractions wit paired electro attered by all drogen isotop ep penetratio ss intense be ator and the about 0.6x t onized with t sertion devi nd convert s energies in t iation is very erive from: ightness and llimation, i.e ittance, i.e. t nability in en illiance (pho Fi , coupled wit ) capable of ent extendin tion is the ot equired free n fission occ counter an a reactor can , making th lex biopolym neutron bea nder a limite tron and syn eutral subato h the nuclei ns (in the sa elements, als es n depth (bul am measurin n injected in he speed of he travelling ces (‘‘undula ome of its en he range of 2 suitable for high intensit . small angula he product o ergy/wavele ton flux) gure 4 : Electro h greatly imp accommoda g over sever her widely u neutrons can urs. All qua array of obs be slowed em an ideal ers. One Å m can then b d number o chrotron dif mic particle) and the magn mple) o the light on k studies of g larger samp M. N. James e to a storag light, equiva particle beam tors’’ and ‘‘w ergy into hi 0-400 keV). fast, accurate y, many orde r divergence f source cros ngth magnetic spe roved data a ting large and al days. sed technique be obtained ntum particl tacles whose down and sel probe of ato ngström (0. e used to pe f well-define fraction tech etic moment es like the samples) les t alii, Frattura e e ring where lent to an en . Third-gen igglers’’) in gh energy ele residual stre rs of magnitu of the beam s section and ctrum showing nalysis softw heavy comp capable of in a nuclea es can exhib size is com ected by thei mic and mo 1 nm) is the rform a diffr d angles acc niques can pr of Synch Ligh Inter the s Main Smal Very d Integrità Strut they are m ergy of 6 G eration synch straight sect ctromagnetic ss measurem de greater th solid angle o the region of are and auto onents, allow yielding data r reactor whe it wave phen parable with r speed such lecular struc typical separ action experi ording to th ovide compl rotron radiatio t beam (elect actions with ample) ly scattered b l penetration intense beam turale, 14 (2010 ade to circu eV) in an e rotron X-ray ions of the radiation (‘h ents through an with conv f emission is visible light [2 mated 3D st large sets o through thic re they are s omena such the wavele that their w tures, either ation betwee ment; in imp e same Brag ementary info n romagnetic w the electrons y heavy elem depth (surfa measuring ) 5-16; DOI : 10 late via mag lectric field. sources are storage ring ard’ or high up to about entional X-r small 5]. ages (with pr f strain data k specimens et free throu as diffractio ngth. A be avelength lies in the form n atoms in a inging on a c g's law that rmation: ave) surrounding ents ce studies of small or ultra .3221/IGF-ESIS. netic fields Both fields designed aro which bend energy X-ra 10 mm of s ays X-ray tub ecision of sp to be acquire (up to ≈ 50 gh nuclei de n, which oc am of neutr in a range f of single ato solid crystal rystalline sam describes X the nuclei (i samples) -dilute sampl 14.01 11 and are und the ys – teel. es atial d in mm cay, curs ons rom mic line ple -ray n es