Digital Repository, FCP2003

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An Integrated Approach for the Prediction of Fatigue Crack Paths in Face Gears for Aerospace Transmissions
Mauro Filippini, Marco Giglio, Carlo Gorla, Francesco Rosa

Last modified: 2013-12-02


In the present paper, an integrated approach for the analysis of fatiguecrack propagation paths of cracks originating from tooth root in face gears foraerospace transmissions is presented. A modelling tool has been developed, in order toautomatically generate FEM meshes suitable for the calculation of the stress field at thetooth root, once geometrical characteristics of gears are given. 3D planar cracks at thetooth root have been modelled and the stress intensity factors have been derived bymeans of FEM calculations. Three different types of gear blank design have beenanalysed: in all cases, the predicted crack paths are directed towards the removal of asingle tooth while the rim does not seem to be affected by crack propagation.

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