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A Parametric Fracture Mechanics Analysis of a Single FilletWelded T- Joint
T. Nykänen, T. Björk, G. Marquis

Last modified: 2013-12-02


The fatigue behaviour of one-sided fillet welded T-joints has beeninvestigated using plane strain Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM)calculations. A maximum tangential stress criterion with the Paris crack growth lawwas used to predict the separate growth of a root crack and a toe crack under mixedmode KI - KII conditions. The effect of weld height, h, plate thickness ratio and cracklength, w, at the weld root (the lack of penetration) on the fatigue strength, is studied.The weld flank angle is β = 45o. The dimensions are expressed as the terms h/t, w/t andT/t, where t = 25 mm and is the main plate thickness. The base-plate thickness is T. Theloads had degrees of bending, DOB, of -1, -1/2, 0, 1/2 and 1, where the DOB is definedas Δσb/(|Δσm| + |Δσb|), where the nominal bending stress range is Δσb and Δσm is themembrane stress range in the main plate.

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