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Microstructural Short Fatigue Crack Growth - Effect of Mixed Mode Conditions and Crack Closure
Last modified: 2013-02-10
A slip band crack model based on the boundary element technique isproposed to simulate fatigue crack growth in stage I. The model is based on a yield stripmodel analogously to that of Bilby et al. [1] and extended in such a way, that the crack isallowed to glide along the ligament and to open simultaneously. Therefore, roughnessinducedcrack closure can be included and due to a numerical approach no restrictions onslip band geometry are required. An easy but efficient solution procedure to solve thesystem of equations obtained from the model is presented. The simulation of a crack in ajagged slip band shows the high influence of roughness-induced crack closure. Theretardation of the crack increases with decreasing inclination angle of the slip band. Acomparison of the simulation with measured short crack data shows the practicalimportance of crack closure effects and verifies the simulation procedure.
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