Digital Repository, CP2009

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Crack paths in functionally graded materials
M. Steigemann, M. Fulland, M. Specovius-Neugebauer, H.A. Richard

Last modified: 2013-03-15


One of the main interests of fracture mechanics in functionallygraded materials is the influence of such an inhomogeneity on a crack propaga-tion process. Using the Griffith’ energy principle, the change of energy has to becalculated, if the crack starts to propagate. In homogeneous linear-elastic structures(asymptotically precise) formulas for the energy release rate are known, but a directtransfer of the methods to functionally graded materials can lead to very inaccurateresults. Moreover, the influence of the inhomogeneity on the crack path can not beseen. Here a simple model for functionally graded materials is presented. For thismodel, a formula for the change of potential energy is derived, giving detailed infor-mation on the effect of the gradation on the crack growth process.

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