Digital Repository, CP2009

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New Approach for the T-stress Estimation for Specimens with a U-notch
M. Hadj Meliani, Z. Azari, G. Pluvinage, Yu.G. Matvienko

Last modified: 2013-03-15


The concept of the T-stress as a constraint factor has been extended tonotch tip stress distribution. The effective T-stress (Tef) has been estimated as theaverage value of the T-stress in the fracture process zone. The notch fracture toughnessK ρ , c has been determined using the Volumetric Method. Transferability is thenproposed as a K ρ , c − Tef , c curve and established from 4 specimen types (CT, SENT, DCBand RT) made from X52 pipe steel. Crack stabilisation and crack bifurcation forfracture emanating from notches according to the value of Tef , c is discussed.

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