Digital Repository, CP2009

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Damaging and cracks path in bended galvanized specimens:influence of Pb and Sn contents
V. Di Cocco, F. Iacoviello, S. Natali

Last modified: 2013-03-15


Hot-dip galvanizing is one of most important protection techniqueagainst corrosion in many environments. In this work damage and crack propagation inintermetallic zinc based coating phases was investigated in order to evaluate chemicalinfluence of Pb and Sn in the bath, comparing not-alloyed zinc bath. Hot dip zinc coatedipersandelin steel specimens were investigated in order to identify the main damagingmicromechanisms during bending tests, considering both chemical composition andintermetallic phases distribution influence. Longitudinal sections of bended specimenswere observed by means of a LOM (Light Optical Microscope) and main damagemicromechanisms were identified as longitudinal and radial cracks. Experimetal resultsobtained with Zn-Pb and Zn-Sn baths were compared with coatings obtained using Znbath.

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