Digital Repository, CP2009

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Fatigue Crack Propagation Life Calculation in Welded Joints
A. Al Mukhtar, H. Biermann, P. Hübner, S. Henkel

Last modified: 2013-03-15


The determination of fatigue strength of welded joint across the board hasbig draw to evaluate fatigue life of welded joints. In spite of considerable fatigue designdata which exist for welded joints in the recommendations, the studies for the effect ofcrack growth parameters C, m and initial crack length determinations of weldedstructures are still not clear and have not been discussed enough. Therefore, this paperaims to present procedures to find the FAT for welded geometries and determine initialcrack depth. The new recommended limits of FAT for new geometries not listed yet inrecommendations can be calculated according to backward calculations. Initial crackand crack growth parameter are determined.

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