Digital Repository, Convegno IGF XXI Cassino 2011

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Simulazione della delaminazione a fatica: confronto tra tecnica Virtual Crack Closure e modello di zona coesiva
F. Moroni, A. Pirondi

Last modified: 2011-06-09


The cohesive zone model available in several commercial finite element analysis software allows to easily simulate delamination/debonding under quasi-static and impact loading. Concerning fatigue crack growth instead, the methodology typically available is based on VCCT (Virtual Crack Closure Technique) for the evaluation of the strain energy release rate, then used by the software to calculate the fatigue crack growth rate.
In this work, this methodology will be compared with the cohesive-zone based fatigue crack growth model developed and implemented by the authors in the finite element analysis software ABAQUS. The comparison will account for both the accuracy and the rapidity of the calculation.
KEYWORDS. Delamination; Debonding; Fatigue crack growth; VCCT; Cohesive zone.

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