Digital Repository, Convegno IGF XX Torino 2009

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Previsione della vita a fatica di componenti in materiale composito
C. Colombo, L. Vergani

Last modified: 2009-06-29


Aim of the European Project “Litebus” is to build a bus prototype in composite materials, whose main characteristics are lightness related to a reduced fuel consuming, resistance to environment corrosion and reduced assembly times. To ensure the structural reliability of the component, it is however required to mechanically characterize the material. In this work, a pultruded component in resin and glass fibre, which will be used as a reinforce beam to the bus cabin. Numerous specimens were extracted in different directions with respect to the reinforcement fibres, on which static and fatigue tests were performed. In particular, these tests were performed in order to determine useful parameters to characterize the material damaging: the residual strength and the longitudinal elastic modulus, measured from interrupted fatigue tests. Some prevision laws in literature were taken into consideration to predict fatigue life of the component. The values of the stresses, required in the prevision laws, were calculated by a numerical FE model. Obtained results from fatigue tests on the beam were used to validate the model.

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