Digital Repository, Convegno IGF XIV Trento 1998

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Un modello numerico del tipo Element-Free per la valutazione della singolarità tensionale all’apice di una fessura
A. Carpinteri, G. Ferro, G. Ventura

Last modified: 2008-06-15


A new meshless formulation for the numerical analysis of the crack discontinuity is proposed. The domain
discretisation is made exclusively in terms of nodes and no connectivity is needed. The formulation is
based on the moving least squares approximation [1], and its peculiarity relies in the definition of a
generalised augmented lagrangian total potential energy functional. This approach solves, in a
computationally effective way, some of the well-known shortcomings of these methods and allows the
introduction of a large number of lagrangian multipliers without increasing the size of the problem and
enforcing instead its convexity.
The properties of the proposed formulation are utilised for the definition of a new model for the
simulation of the crack discontinuity, which enforces interface conditions between the sides of a "virtual

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