Digital Repository, Convegno IGF XIV Trento 1998

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Resistenza a frattura di contenitori in vetro utilizzati nella confezione di vino spumante
L. Cont, T. Toninato, F. Boella, V.M. Sglavo

Last modified: 2008-06-15


Glass containers of different weight used in the production of ‘vino spumante’ were studied in this work.
The internal pressure resistance was determined and the influence of the surface conditions on
mechanical properties was evaluated. By a finite element method stresses generated by internal pressure
and fracture strength were calculated. The experimental and numerical results showed that the increase
in weight does not account for a corresponding increase in mechanical properties. In addition, surface
flaws were shown to be different among various type of containers, the more critical being associated to
the heaviest product.

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