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A fatigue equivalence method applied to railway wheels submitted to in-service multi-input loads
C. Roux, X. Lorang, B. Delattre, H.M. Maitournam, M.L. Nguyen-Tajan

Last modified: 2015-02-05


This paper deals with a comprehensive method to determine Equivalent Fatigue Loads (EFL) from in-service load measurements, in the case of a structure submitted to multiple random fatigue loadings. This method, which aims at defining EFL, loads that generate similar damage to the in-service loads, can be useful for the definition of fatigue tests and simulations during the experimental and numerical validation of a new component. It can also be used in order to evaluate the severity of the in-service loads.The aim of the work presented in this paper is to develop and apply the Equivalence Fatigue Method in the case of a structure submitted to a multi-input loading. Damages are evaluated using a life prediction method based on the Dang Van multiaxial fatigue criterion. EFL are computed for the entire structure with a damage equivalence optimization developed in this paper.The method is used for rotating structures, applied to train wheel. Train wheels are critical safety railway components mainly subjected to random multiaxial fatigue induced by multi-input loading

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