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General Papers

A new nonlinear line-spring model for elastic-plastic analysis of surface cracks PDF
L. Yinchu, C. Changqing
A probabilistic approach to crack instability PDF
A. Chudnovsky, B. Kunin
Application of strain energy density and maximum circumferential stress criteria to dynamic crack curving PDF
A. Shukla. R. Chona, C. Zhu
Application of the vectorial J-integral to adhesive bonds PDF
Z.W. Chenand, R. Adams
On mixed-mode plane stress ductile fracture PDF
Y.W. Mai, B. Cotterell
Ductile crack extension in compact specimens at limit load PDF
J. J. Hu, J.C. Cheng, P. Albrecht, J. Joyce
Dynamic-viscoplastic experiments with analyses of rapid crack propagation and arrest PDF
M.F. Kanninen, S.J. Hudakir, R.J. Dexter, P.E. O' Donoghue, H. Couque, S. Roy
Elastoplastic stress-strain analysis for a pure bending notched specimen of power hardening material and its application PDF
M. Weidian, H. Chunxiao, X. Xiang Xing, Z. Wei, S. Yi, C. Qigong
Equilibrium criterion for a nonlinear elastic slited body PDF
L.K. Chau
J-integral calculation by using collocation method and elasto-viscoplastic theory PDF
C.W. Woo, Y.K. Cheung, Y.H. Wang
Non-linear finite element analysis of cracked A-517 steel compact tension specimens PDF
R.B. Bhagat, M.F. Amateau, M.L. Crocken
The temperature field induced by the plastic dissipation in the infinite medium with line of discontinuity PDF
Y. Shou-Wen, D. Cross
Corrosion fatigue crack initiation from blunt notches in structural steel exposed to seawater PDF
P. M. Scott, T.W. Thorpe, R. P. A. Camey
Effect of viscosity of an oil environment on fatigue crack growth rate in AISI 316 stainless steel PDF
K. Bae, H. Conrad
Estimation of fatigue crack growth in patched cracked panels PDF
R. Chondra, R. Sunder
Near threshold fatigue curve based on the dislocation shielding model of fracture PDF
S.-J. Chang, T. Mura
Superposition models for the growth of fatigue cracks at elevated temperature PDF
M. B. Cortie
The effects of carbides and cavities on creep crack growth in HK40 steel PDF
S. J. Zhu, J. Zhao, F.G. Wang, Z.B. Cao
The high temperature deformation and fracture of a mild steel weldment in heavy section low alloy ferritic steel pipe PDF
M.C. Coleman
Unusual fracture mode in the fatigue of an Al-Li alloy PDF
GR. Yoder, P.S. Pao, M.A. Imam, L.A. Cooley
A general damage criterion for solids PDF
C.C. Hsiao, Y.S. Cheng
Energy analysis of crack-damage interaction PDF
A. Chudnovslcy, S. Wu
High-speed frictional heating effect on the stress intensity factors of a near-surface line crack PDF
F.D. Ju, T.Y. Chen
Mixed mode cohesive crack propagation PDF
A. Carpinteri, S. Valente, P. Bocca
Shear failure of Al-Cu single crystals PDF
C.Q. Chen, H. X. Li, W. Yao
Creep rupture of a metal-ceramic particulate composite PDF
T.-J. Chuang, D.F. Carroll, S.M. Wiederhom
Effect of austenitising temperature on creep fracture of a 12 CrMoV steel PDF
S.A. Bashu, K.N. Singh, K.M. Chowdary
Fatigue behavior of medium strength Al-Mg alloy 5083 PDF
J .D. Costa, C. M. Branco
Local stress relaxation in a Ti-6Al-4V-2Fe/SCS-6 SiC composite during thermal cycling PDF
M. R. Lames, W.L. Morris, BN. Cox
On the expansion of a crack layer's active zone PDF
A. Chudnovsky, S. Wu, J. Butsis
Photoelastic analysis of a crack at bimaterial interface PDF
F.P. Chiang, H. Luand, X.T. Yan
Physical meaning of KIc at cleavage fracture PDF
CX. Hou. Q.G. Cai, Y. Su
The effect of various precracking techniques on the fracture toughness of plastics PDF
M.S. Cayard, W.L. Bradley
Toughening mechanisms in Al2O3-SiCw composites PDF
A. Chakraborty, S.B. Bhaduri, J J. Reddy, R. Mchan Rao, Y.R. Mahajan
Transient effects in creep cavity nucleation and early growth in ceramics PDF
R. A. Page, K.S. Chan
Transient fracture resistance in the weak toughening limit PDF
R.F. Cook
3D deformation of tensile cracks in thin ductile sheets: an optical and finite element investigation PDF
H.V. Tippur, F.P. Chiang
Comb cracking in cemented carbides PDF
R. Krishnamurthy, A.S. Choudhury
Fracture mechanics concepts to increase the reliability of high-pressure gas cylinder PDF
E. Czoboly, G. Frigyes, I. Havas, J. Lovas, G. Somogyi, L. Toth
Mathematical morphology and quantitative fractography PDF
J L. Cherman, M. Coster
Optical interference measurements of interfacial crack initiation and propagation PDF
K.M. Liechti, Y.S. Chai
Some examples of quantitative fractographic investigations PDF
I.L. Chermanr. L. Chermanr, M. Coster
Ultrasonic measurement of fracture toughness of a nuclear grade steel PDF
A.N. Sinclair, T. Chau